Corporate service
We carry out interior design of offices, restaurants, hotels, apartments, weddings, country houses, exhibitions, shopping centers, etc. fresh flowers, compositions of dried flowers, potted plants, artificial flowers, fabrics, etc.
Decoration with fresh flowers is an indispensable element of any successful celebration. Fresh flowers create a feeling of not only conviviality, but also a special warmth. And this is an important condition for the success of a "business" celebration with the participation of partners, and a grandiose presentation, and a corporate celebration closed to outsiders dedicated to the anniversary of an employee, the birth of a child with a colleague, and any other occasion. Flowers are appropriate in any interior, be it an office or a house, a hotel or a restaurant. Flower decoration is a popular service in Minsk.

Pay attention to the design of government meetings at the highest level: each such meeting is certainly accompanied by flower arrangements. Moreover, flowers perform both aesthetic and semantic functions: the arrangement of the composition in the middle of an empty table necessarily focuses attention on it.
But why do we delight ourselves with fresh flowers only on special occasions? Fresh flowers are no less appropriate in the daily decoration of the interior. They are able to improve mood and relieve psychological stress that occurs when people communicate. It is very easy to make an order for flower delivery in our salon.
The order for decoration with flowers and floral arrangements is traditionally and rightly considered a sign not only of exquisite taste, but also of generosity, wealth of the owners. Once, only the chambers of the emperors were decorated with fresh flowers at any time of the year. Technological progress has made flowers accessible to everyone, so it is impossible to surprise anyone with simple bouquets today.
In order for flowers to really transform your office, you need to entrust the interior design to professional florists. The florist (if necessary, a group of florists) of our flower salon will present you with options for an exquisite design that expresses the style of your company and harmoniously complements and transforms the interior.